How to: Searching and finding Community Posts
Pinned FeaturedHi everyone! Following on from the enhancements update a few weeks back, we’ve put together some refresher tips on how to find existing posts that might already have the answer you need, or where you can add your question.
When you make a search in the Help centre, the search results will show both Help articles and Community posts with matching words by default. You can then select if you'd like to just see results from Help or Community on the left-hand side of the page:
From the front page of Community, you can also browse for posts rather than searching. By default, it will show the Topics on Community, so you can open up just the most relevant topic for you and see the posts there.
Alternatively, you can select to browse by posts, which will show the list of most recent posts:
At the bottom of the Posts you can select to “View all” which will take you to this page, where you have the option to sort the posts, on the left under 'Show all' you can sort by status, all, fix / update in progress, confirmed bug, resolved, answered and no status. On the right you can sort by recent activity, highest number of votes, highest number of comments, or the default of most recently posted.
If you have any questions, comments or tips of your own about searching on Community, let us know below.
Hi all.I have question regarding refunds.I have a buyer who may win three items and I would like to refund him some of the postage.My question is,where it says refund from ping can I do a partial refund of just a certain amount?.
I don't want to click on it and find I've given all the money back.TradeMe don't make it clear or I am just thick.
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Gary-NZStocked Community SuperuserEdited
When you click it Gerard you get a box to type in any amount you want to, up to the full amount that was paid that is in there by default., like this.
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Thanks Gary
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Hi there
I was following an Auction Listing #3823319774 last week and missed the deadline. I was hoping the seller would relist or make a buy now offer option available.
Is there any way of asking the seller Khan1 im interested in there product? Thanks0 -
Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Yes, go to the auction there is sometimes a link to click on like this one.
This doesn't always show up though, so only way is to add the seller to your favorites so you'll be emailed if they relist.
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How can i renew my advert before it expires with no further payment pl
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Why are my delivery instructions not being sent to sellers?
Why do you keep messing with the website? Every time you do you make it harder to find anything3 -
How do I find an auction i won over 45days ago? Car was in an accident the week prior to me purchasing it so I need to contact the seller
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
You can't Sarah if it was a classified, but if it was an auction, just go to it from the link in your email or contact the seller via their email address from the sale emails.
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Can I contact the seller of a withdrawn item? the item was 3803345594
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Can I contact the seller of a withdrawn item? the item was 3803345594
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If you need to create a post to show how to find posts it’s fair to say it’s poorly designed.
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Kathy, that was a Classified ad, so no, you can't contact the seller unless you know their membername and can check if they have other listings. Classifieds are usually withdrawn when the item sells, so it's quite likely they have sold it.
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I sold some shipping items. I have since found another, and would like him to be the buyer , how can I arrange asking him?
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Audrey, you need to edit your post to remove the other members email address as you are not allowed to post contact details, plus it's a security concern too. Best thing to do would be to email the buyer.
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Im selling an expensive motorbike. I have recived 2 emails through trademe from a supposedly interested buyer. But the buyer is New this week., no history and a gmail email. They have not tried my contact phone even though i have pointed them to it in my replies. I have not been asked for any other detail. This feels like a fake account, how can i find out.
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You probably can't but you can make the auction only for authenticated members. Presumably you can still select that option when editing the auction.
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Thanks. I have asked trademe help to confirm the user. They should follow up on potential scams. Im not happy about the fact the account seems to have popped up since the add started. It could all be genuine, but feels funny. Its a classified add not an auction, so no option to stop people sending email.
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I’ve learnt intuition is a big thing in this game. Despite someone bidding on an auction if I’ve felt it’s not right I’ve removed their bid and blocked them. If they are keen they’ll reach out.
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Totally agree. Hence me reaching out. Problem is there seems to be no was of contacting trademe any more. Also non of their q&as help. So leads me to think how easy scamming people is becoming.
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Hi trade me,
Can you help?I was following a house looking for flatmate Listing #4342059527 tonite and just missed the deadline (closing...) while sending a message to the lister. How do you get in touch with the lister? Or can Trade me get in touch with the lister? Pray the message got sent through though to the lister as it was "closing....". I doubted it got sent through as I had ticked a message sent to me too :( and nothing in my email.
Thank you.
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Trade Me staff - Community team
Kia ora Catherine, if you get in touch with an agent using Chat, they'll be able to check that for you against your account details. Thanks 🙂
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I'm still getting buyers delivery emails from TM that say pick up or organise with the seller! It's a known TM glitch that has been happening for about a year!
Why has home page been changed so that you have scroll down to the bottom to get to page 2 of your listings? It's a pain.
Also why is there no ability for the seller to say what really happened in an issue with the trade! She's put the blame wholly on me!. When it was her fault. Even I when clicked yes the trade is going ahead it just went to the error page.
The other night I got charged extra HV fees bc the listings were really slow to close. I left a msg on chat but they still haven't been reversed!
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Hi Victoria, I suggest going to Chat (via the Contact Us words at the bottom of most of your TM pages), and do this when TM Customer Service is open (from 9.30 am). When a robot answers, to bypass the robot, type in Talk to a person. Then you will be able to do an email-chat with a real Trade Me customer-service person, to get answers to your questions. I have found that to be the best way to get an answer from TM, rather than leaving a message.
I have been getting similar buyers-delivery emails also. Fortunately, it is only sometimes..
Re the new-look selling-page, go down to Desktop site (in faint print, on the very-bottom line), and click on that, to get your old-look page back. It is very annoying that TM has imposed this new-look, as you now need to click on Desktop site, each time you log-in, to get rid of the new-look.
Re the seller's comment, can you add a comment beneath what the seller has written, as a response?
Yes, I have had an occasional problem with being charged a high-volume fee, like you have, when relisting. Maybe it is another TM glitch.
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The auction closes with a winning bid. The lost auction doesn’t go to my lost list. Or if it does there’s no details of what it sold for.
If it closes without a winning bid and disappears into the ether how do I get a fixed price offer or ask for a relist.
Is this happening to anyone else ?0 -
Hi Joe, yes, I and another Trade Me member have been noticing exactly the same thing, where, when following an auction as watchers, the auction suddenly disappears completely. I have been trying to help someone to find a reasonably-priced Disney album for his grandson's cards, so it is very frustrating not being able to see what the latest ones have been selling for!
Also, when I was bidding on an auction last night, I went to place an increased bid on an item, and a message came up about Do you want to bid against yourself?, so I didn't bid, and then another person suddenly won the auction, but I didn't realise until the auction finished a few seconds later!
Neither of those problems happened with the old-look, so it must be because of "improvements" (that actually aren't), to do with the new-look!
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Thanks. I thought they might have been singling me out for the treatment. Cos I gave them no stars and said their performance was lack lustre. Tee heehee.
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Hi Joe, I very frequently give them no stars, and usually write Zero for the rating, then tell them exactly what I think of the new-look on the Tell us what you think section. The old-look was far superior.
If you wanted to tell a Trade Me staff-member about that particular problem of a lost item not going onto your Lost page, not being able to the details of what it sold for, and also, if it closes without a winning bid and then suddenly disappears, how you can get a fixed price offer or ask for a relist, you could do an on-line Chat with a Trade Me staff-member, by going to and clicking on the Contact Us words at the bottom of your Trade Me pages. A blue bubble will appear on the tight-hand side, so click on that, and type-in Talk to a person, to bypass the robot, and deal with a real person. You may have to repeat Talk to a person, again, after that, to insist on dealing with a real person.
The Trade Me Customer Service is open Monday to Friday, 8am - 5.30pm, & weekends 9.30am - 4pm.
That problem, of not being able to see the result of watched auctions, is annoying me so much, that I intend to contact the Trade Me Customer Service about it tomorrow. It wasn't like that in the old-look.I used to be able to get back from the new-look to the old-look, by clicking-on Desktop Site (in small print on the bottom line), but unfortunately that now longer works, so I am now stuck on the new-look.
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So there was a whole thread regarding us complaining about the new look trade me, but I can't seem to find it so am I to assume that TM is censoring the complaints now? A couple of months on now and nothing seems to have changed. I just spend the last 15 minutes trying to quick relist 3 auctions. Each time it failed yet it relisted one that I was asking it not to. Far out man, this is enough to send a sane person crazy. Why can't we see the seller statistics with these auctions? Apparently NO ONE is looking at my auctions, but if I click on them, then the stats say differently. Why can we not calculate shipping costs when doing a new listing? One has to leave it off, which I'm am sure does not help with the sales. Why must it be so frustrating Trade Me? Are you trying to put people off using your platform these days?? A good friend of mine who used TM weekly says she no longer bothers now ... how many more people are giving up? I doubt Trade Me even give a toss, pretty obvious by the way they ignore everyone and just carry on with their rubbishy 'updates' if that's what you call them.
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Trademe is in a death spiral for sure.
Our listings are receiving drastically lower views than ever before. It doesn’t help that the entire Pottery and Glass section isn’t even listed in places. Mind boggling.Today, I found I couldn’t find an item in My Products sold list via search even though I typed in the same as the title, hilarious.
I see they have changed the new site when viewing unsold and sold but other errors just go ignored. Who’s have thought TradeMe could get to this a few years back?