Success Fees on postage for combined shipping
Can someone help me. This has been a problem for years and it is getting out of hand. When a buyer purchases we pay success fee on everything including postage. An example is a buyer overnight purchased 35 auctions from me all 2.50 ones, she didn't pay as she was using internet banking. She chose postage on everyone of the 35. but only pays into my bank 1x postage. I have paid 48 cents fees on each auction. This is happening all the time some people chose courier on every auction. It is only relevant when they use internet banking. If they use ping i can refund the extras and get my fees back. How can i get this sorted It adds up to a lot of extra fees I am paying almost 1/5 of total purchase
Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Steve, what you can do to try and reduce the chances is to make sure you have a combined shipping option and make a point of clearly saying this in the common footer section of your listings. Unfortunately it won't fix it completely, but it may reduce the chances, especially if you are using Buy Now only listings where buyers can easily adjust shipping before final purchase, although the Cart sales are only for Ping or Afterpay.
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You can apply to Trade Me for a refund of all those success fees on postage. Just let them know the P numbers, postage amounts charged, and actual postage and they will refund the success fees on postage overpaid. Time consuming I know but seems to be the only solution to bank deposits.
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i have combined postage options I have the footer outlining options . I find getting hold of Trade me to get a refund is like watching paint dry. Last time I sent a message to them took 3 weeks to get a reply. Is there an email I can contact them on. I might have to remove the option of Internet banking which is tough as lots of people dont trust pay online
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Unfortunately Steve there is no direct email anymore for members to get in touch with Trademe. It doesn't happen often that I need to contact them, but I just send the email through the contact form and wait for them to sort it out in their own time. Occasionally I've been lucky enough to get them on live chat, so maybe you might like to try that next time.
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Thanks all I just managed to get someone on LIVE CHAT wow I have copied and pasted the 35 auctions and sent to them, Many thanks for your help. Things shouldnt be this hard and I dont know why we pay commission on postage after all we pay that much to NZ POST and Im sure if we added 20 cents to each postage charge we would cause WW3
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Steve, a lot of what Trademe does makes absolutely no logical sense, including success fees on postage.
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flossy63 Community SuperuserEdited
I only have Internet banking, not ping, a lot of my sales are multi-buyers for combined shipping, but most do use the combine shipping option, I get the odd one that chooses shipping on every auction, but not a major to get a refund,
but on my auctions, seller to confirm cost, says it is not free shipping as some do try, Lol!
as in Excel sheet I mark shipping chosen and not used in red, then in another sheet add them there with Ping numbers and when I have a few do a bulk request, as all info there ready, so can be a few weeks worth,
Everyone does things differently, and you need to find away that works best for you, but if you are Intrade you should be keeping a spread sheet / record of sorts for tax purposes anyway,
My weekly spread sheet, when I put them in my refund sheet they get changed to $0 so total at end of week is correct,
then I can work out difference with courier booking amount page, to make sure I am covering my costs packaging etc.
my fee refund page in excel,as 9.9% fees it adds up quickly, especially if Rural, so after a few weeks will apply all at once, use this link it has listing and selling fees, next drop down is fees, and next drop down apply for success fee refund,